Such a Perfect Quote


img_0356I happened to stumble across this delightful quote from Insomniac City while poking around Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings recently:

I’ve suddenly realized what you mean to me: you create the need which you fulfill, the hunger you sate. Like Jesus. And Kierkegaard. And smoked trout. . .

-Oliver Sacks to Bill Hayes, Insomniac City 


Which made me suddenly realize I have to get my hands on this book as soon as possible. And I am also looking forward to reading Gratitude by Oliver Sacks even more than ever, now that I know this is the kind of thought he’d think. I find that the more context you have on an author, the more you’re able to benefit from his or her work. Context contributes to understanding which is then able to lead us to meaning (although not along a nice and neat linear path, but that’ll be a story for another day).