On Blessings

Opening your heart to receive blessings means OPENING your heart. You can’t be open and selective at the same time. If you try to confine God’s work to the blessings that are on your list, you’re confining God. Which is not only the antithesis of being open, but also a completely absurd thing to consider.  

Think for a second about confining God. Who is everywhere and nowhere and tiny and huge and made the whole universe and makes up the universe and dwells inside each of us. And then you absentmindedly undermine His power to make the divine and miraculous come to pass by having a preconceived notion of what you think the blessings you stand to receive should look and feel like. That’s you telling God to sit down and be quiet and that you know better than He does what you need. And there’s hardly anything open about that. 

Which is not where this was headed when I started writing. What I was planning to say was that the part of being open that people get uncomfortable with is the fact that being open allows things to also slip through. You’ll let go of things you held tightly for a long time. Some of those things are meant to be and will stay even without a firm grip. Those are the things you need to cherish. The rest will be lost, some things you won’t even miss. Others you’ll want to fight for and hold onto. But try to resist the urge to fight. Fighting to cling tightly to something you thought you wanted makes it impossible to be open to what God knows you need. 

But I guess those two thoughts converge on the fact that you have to let go of the you you thought you’d be. Let her slip away without a fight and see who God has in store for you to be next.